Coronavirus (COV-19) |
with the loved ones you hope to be with through this 1st wave of the virus.
Symptoms: Call your GP 1st for advice - If you have severe difficulty breathing, call triple zero (000) | ||
National Coronavirus Helpline 1800 020 080 | ||
NEWS | COMMUNITY - Fateblat you already know. It's a virus in its own right. | HOME & YOURSELF |
iView Live News feed ABC News Live on YouTube WORLD NEWS - BBC | USA - ABC - NBC - | John Hopkins Uni World map of cases CASES - Australia - NSW INFO Australian Health Department Information | Dept of Home Affairs - Boarder Force COVID-19 FAQs form NSW Gov Diabetes and Covid-19 | Know your risk The COVID-19 Plan (Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus Note: This is pretty much how the Gov. will run things. It's 50 pages, but it gives the best view of what to expect from authorities. It is the backbone of their plans and strategies. WorldHealthOrganisation STATISTICS Australia Health Dept Latest NSW Health Dept latest NSW case statistics by Local Government Area VIC WA USA | Cases | New York | UK INVESTMENT US > AU | TRAVEL Smart Traveller | |
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How is the virus spread?Human coronaviruses are spread from someone infected with COVID-19 virus to other close contacts with that person through contaminated droplets spread by coughing or sneezing, or by contact with contaminated hands, surfaces or objects. The time between when a person is exposed to the virus and when symptoms first appear is typically 5 to 6 days, although may range from 2 to 14 days. For this reason, people who might have been in contact with a confirmed case are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days. Most COVID-19 cases appear to be spread from people who have symptoms. A small number of people may have been infectious before their symptoms developed.
Keep all face-2-face social contact to minimum *Keep a Diary* What are the Symptoms | Symptoms Checker Good cleaning Hands/face wash: SOAP and warm water. Lather and rub for at least 20secs. This is essential to do 2 things. Firstly it breaks down the essential fatty layer covering the virus cell, this then collapse the cell rendering it inactive. secondly it breaks the fatty bond with your skin, allowing to then rinse it off. Then wash your face in the same way. This avoids bringing more contamination to your face. HINT: Leaving the water running when lathering up wastes a lot of water. Clean surfaces: especially those most often touched. Really good approach is to use soap-based product to do a first scrub, then (if really concerned) use a household disinfectant or other 70%+ alcohol-based product. Alcohol products need to be 70% alcohol or more to be effective on COVI-19. The contact of product on the surface should 20 seconds +. UNDERSTANDING INFECTION* do not be alarmed by the following senario, but rather use the understanding to base your defense. The virus requires numbers to make you sick. The most usual path of infection is that you acquire the virus initially on your hands from torching an infected source. Now it's on your hands... To be infected it needs to get inside you. We tend to touch our faces around every 30secs - 2mins. If it gets on your face... which is the most likely entry point to your internal body (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, throat, > lungs). If it gets inside your body... It now tries to increase it's numbers. As it grows you may feel symptoms after 2-14 days. IF YOU DO feel symptoms call your GP for advice. Importantly and what is hard to get your head around if you or someone around you does get COVID-19... is you may have been infectious for 1-2 days before you felt the symptoms, so people around you 2 days prior to your noticing symptoms could be at risk too. This is why you need to stay ahead of the curve as much as you can, for yourself and the people around you. *If you feel symptoms phone your GP office and ask for advice. COVID-19 FAQs from NSW Gov If I am worried about having COVID-19, can I ask to get tested?If you develop fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and other symptoms and have travelled overseas in the 14 days before developing symptoms, you should see your GP or visit your local Emergency Department to be tested for COVID-19. If you are visiting your GP, please call ahead before seeing your doctor and and tell them where you have travelled. If you are become unwell with these symptoms without travel you should see your local GP and discuss your symptoms. There are other illnesses such as influenza that your GP may wish to test you for that can cause your symptoms. Home isolationDo I need to be separate from other people in my home if I am isolating?Yes. If you are sharing your home with others, you should stay in a different room from other people or be separated as much as possible. Wear a surgical mask when you are in the same room as another person, and when seeking medical care. Use a separate bathroom, if available. Make sure that you do not share a room with people who are at risk of severe disease, such as elderly people and those who have heart, lung or kidney conditions, and diabetes. Visitors who do not have an essential need to be in the home should not visit while you are isolating. More information about home isolation is available for: When someone has finished 14 days isolation, do they need to see their GP?If you are well at the end of 14 days self-isolation, you can resume your normal lifestyle. Are you worried that you or someone you know may have or has COVID-19; or are anxious about being in isolation and would you like to speak to someone about it?Contact one of the services below for support or talk to your general practitioner.
All information sources gathered on this page are from Australian Federal and State Government sites or other reputable sources. It is also NSW centric. The media links you can make up your own mind about. my media preference is the ABC & iView News, the Health Department and Australian & State Government sites. Up to date data is not what this page is for, it is a collection of links to assist onlineliness and your information gathering. | ||
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